
A library of super useful extension methods to make your life easier.

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Welcome to my Extensions Site

Super Useful Extension Library is just a collection of C# extension methods that I found myself constantly rewriting in multiple projects and then decided I needed to STOP THAT and add them to a central project that I could reuse. You know, to DRY it up a bit. Thats Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) concept for those not familiar with the term.

Anyway, this was mostly published for me to use, but by all means feel free to use the package if you find any of the extensions useful. I also have a discussions section in the GitHub repository in case you have an extension you think would be useful to add, or a modification to make any of mine better (I’m always learning from others).


All extensions are located withing a single .cs file related to the Type being extended. Namespaces are organized in the same way, by type.