
A library of super useful extension methods to make your life easier.

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Extensions to collections or enumerables in the System.Collections Namespace.

Namespace SUELIB.CollectionExtensions



Adds an item to an ICollection<T> if the item does not already exist in the collection.

Returns true it the object was added successfully.

Parameter Description
T The Type contained in the collection.
collection The collection to be modified.
item The Object to be added to the collection.


public static bool AddDistinct<T>(this ICollection<T> collection, T item)
    bool added = false;
    if (!collection.Contains(item)) { collection.Add(item); added = true; }
    return added;


Adds an object only if the object does not already exist in the collection.

Returns an int representing the number of items successfully added to the collection.

Parameter Description
T The Type of object contained within the collection.
collection The collection to be modified.
range The range of Objects to be added to the collection.


public static int AddRangeDistinct<T>(this ICollection<T> collection, ICollection<T> range) where T : class
    if (collection is null || range is null) { return 0; }
    int itemsAdded = 0;
    foreach (T item in range)
        if (!collection.Contains(item)) { collection.Add(item); itemsAdded++; }
    return itemsAdded;


Adds a group of objects the collection.

Returns an int representing the number of items successfully added to the collection.

Parameter Description
T The Type of object contained within the collection.
collection The ConcurrentBag<T> to be modified.
range The range of Objects to be added to the collection.


public static int AddRange<T>(this ConcurrentBag<T> collection, IEnumerable<T> range) where T : class
    if (collection is null || range is null) { return 0; }
    int itemsAdded = 0;
    foreach (T item in range)
    return itemsAdded;


Adds an item to an ConcurrentBag<T> if the item does not already exist in the collection.

Returns true it the object was added successfully.

Parameter Description
T The Type of object contained within the collection.
collection The ConcurrentBag<T> to be modified.
item The Object to be added to the collection.


public static bool AddDistinct<T>(this ConcurrentBag<T> collection, T item)
    bool added = false;
    if (!collection.Contains(item)) { collection.Add(item); added = true; }
    return added;


Adds an object only if the object does not already exist in the ConcurrentBag<T> collection.

Returns an int representing the number of items successfully added to the collection.

Parameter Description
T The Type of object contained within the collection.
collection The ConcurrentBag<T> to be modified.
range The range of Objects to be added to the collection.


public static int AddRangeDistinct<T>(this ConcurrentBag<T> collection, IEnumerable<T> range) where T : class
    if (collection is null || range is null) { return 0; }
    int itemsAdded = 0;
    foreach (T item in range)
        if (!collection.Contains(item)) { collection.Add(item); itemsAdded++; }
    return itemsAdded;

ICollection<T> Merge<T>

Merges up to two additional collections together with the current collection and returns a single collection with only one instance of each collection item from any of the collections. Whew!

Parameter Description
T The Type of object contained within the collection.
collection The ICollection<T> to add the new collection to.
collectionA An ICollection<T> to be added.
collectionB An optional second ICollection<T> to be added.

#### Method

public static ICollection<T> Merge<T>(this ICollection<T> collection, ICollection<T> collectionA, ICollection<T> collectionB = null) where T : class
    if (collectionA is null && collectionB is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("You must provide at least one collection for the merge command."); }
    ICollection<T> tempCol = new List<T>(collection);
    if (collectionA != null) { _ = tempCol.AddRangeDistinct(collectionA); }
    if (collectionB != null) { _ = tempCol.AddRangeDistinct(collectionB); }

    return tempCol;